Boogie2988 mocks gamer because they come from a ‘broken home’

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Steven Williams, the man you plays Boogie2988 on the Internet, did something on Twitch that exposed him as the person he really is.

Contrary to what a lot of people think, Boogie is not the rotund Mister Rogers of YouTube. He is a mean, self-centered, manipulative person who would rather lie than tell the truth.

Boogie2988 was on Twitch playing a video game with strangers. Here is the video:

Boogie does not know this person. He asked them personal questions and then used the fact the other person’s parents are not together against them. Boogie even tried to gaslight him into believing he had anger issues.

Boogie, a 44-year-old man then tries to turn it around by saying both his parents are dead and that he’s Batman.

Boogie2988 mocks gamer because they come from a 'broken home' - Bent Corner
Batman vs. Boogie 2988 (Image: Frank Miller)

Boogie2988 is not Batman. He is a self-centered liar who feeds off pity. Boogie2988 is the type of man Batman beats up and leaves lying in an ally.

Boogie2988 only cares about himself

Again, Boogie does not know this person. He does not know if the other person has mental health issues. If they are “suicidal tendencies” or suffers from dissociation. These are two mental disorders Boogie claims to suffer from. Also, is this other person unlucky enough to have the world-famous Boogie mock on Twitch even 18? It’s not clear from the video if they are an adult or not.

From what I have seen on Twitter and Reddit, more and more people are beginning to see Boogie for what he is. This video seems to have resonated with many of them. Good. It happened to me a while ago. I went from being a fan to the opposite of a fan. I expect more people will do the same. Eventually, his YouTube channel will die and he will have to get a job.

Rick Rottman

My name is Rick Rottman, and this is my personal website. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I've lived most of my adult life in Maryland.

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