Kirby Howell-Baptiste to play Death in Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’

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Neil Gaiman’s beloved comic book The Sandman is getting turned into a Netflix series. Like many people who are fans of the source material, I was worried the show’s producers would botch the casting of the characters. It appears my worries were for naught. One has to only look at the casting of Death. Actress Kirby Howell-Baptiste will play the fan-favorite character. As you can tell from the photo, she’s a dead ringer for the character.

I first noticed Kirby Howell-Baptiste from the NBC show The Good Place. I’m not a fan of the show, but my wife is. The first time the actress appeared in an episode, I asked my wife, “What’s with the creepy goth girl?” My wife looked at me like I was crazy.

Kirby Howell-Baptiste to play Death in Netflix's 'The Sandman' - Bent Corner
Kirby Howell-Baptiste on The Good Place.

Almost every time her character appeared in The Good Place, I found myself in the mood to listen to The Cure and go to the mall and shop at Hot Topic. She’s so goth. Then again, when am I not in the mood to listen to The Cure and shop at Hot Topic?

Casting Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Death makes me happy. As a comic book fan, I appreciate it when they respect the source material when adapting a comic book to the small or big screen. When I think of all the other actresses that could have played Death, it makes me appreciate this casting even more. Who better to play the young pale-skinned goth woman than the 34-year-old Kirby Howell-Baptiste?

Kirby Howell-Baptiste to play Death in Netflix's 'The Sandman' - Bent Corner
Buy the Kirby Howell-Baptiste Funko Pop on Entertainment Earth.

We canceled Netflix a month ago. There just wasn’t anything new worth watching. We decided we’d cancel Netflix and, after three or four months, reactivate our subscription, watch anything added in our absence, and then cancel our subscription again. I’ll make certain to have Netflix active when The Sandman premieres. You can bet your last Hot Topic $5 Off Reward on it.

Rick Rottman

My name is Rick Rottman, and this is my personal website. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I've lived most of my adult life in Maryland. I'm an U.S. Air Force veteran. I collect a plethora of frivolous things. I'm a WordPress enthusiast.

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