It turns out ‘Zach Snyder’s Justice League’ is quite good

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I watched Zach Snyder’s Justice League and guess what? It’s actually quite good. It was much better than the Joss Whedon version that was in theaters in 2017. I had a hard time even remembering most of that movie, other than it was boring.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is not boring

It turns out 'Zach Snyder's Justice League' is quite good - Bent Corner

I’m not alone thinking the Snyder cut was a better movie. 74% of the critics thought it was good. In comparison, the 2017 version had a Rotten Tomatoes score of 40% on the Tomatometer.

Who knew Cyborg was such a complex, interesting character?

It turns out 'Zach Snyder's Justice League' is quite good - Bent Corner
Cyborg masterfully played by Ray Fisher (@ray8fisher)

Time was spent on Cyborg, played by Ray Fisher. Cyborg came across as a much more fleshed out (no pun intended) and a far more interesting, layered character.

The same can be said about the Flash, played by Ezra Miller. I thought his character was annoying in the 2017 version of the movie. I didn’t find him annoying at all in the Snyder cut.

After watching the Snyder cut, I would welcome stand-alone movies featuring Cyborg and Flash. I believe those movies were in the pre-planning stages before the 2017 version was released but were scrapped after Justice League failed to do well in theaters.

Movie theaters stink and I hate them

I believe part of Zach Snyder’s Justice League’s success is because it was allowed to be four hours long. A four-hour movie would not have been possible if it was slated for theatrical release. Theater owners want movies to last no more than two hours long. They want to cycle ticket-buying moviegoers in and out every two hours. I think the success of this movie shows how much better the end product can be when the director is not limited by the constraints of what theater owners want.

It’s just one of the reasons I hope movie theaters go the way of the 8-track player and the importance of a balanced breakfast. Movies are best experienced at home.

Rick Rottman

My name is Rick Rottman, and this is my personal website. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I've lived most of my adult life in Maryland.

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