YouTuber Deadwood Dale did a live stream with fellow YouTuber Adam Friended. Their guest was none other than the great Mike S. Miller. The result was comedy gold. Mike S. Miller was creating the comedy. The problem for Mike was that he had no idea he was bringing the funny.
I knew Mike was getting serious when he uncoiled his greasy ponytail and let his hair hang free the way Jesus intended.
Unintentional comedy is often the best comedy
Mike S. Miller is living proof that you don’t have to try to be funny. With some people, the more serious they try to be, the funnier they sound. Mike is one of those people.
Mike tried to set the record straight on everything he has ever done or said that people took exception to. For example, the time he burned his special needs son’s child’s copy of Cyberfrog on video. Everyone simply misunderstood the video. When Mike’s special needs son is heard crying in the background, people were wrong to say he’s a bad father.
Just when I thought this video couldn’t get funnier, Ethan Van Sciver and Cecil Jones showed up.
Mike S. Miller is (unintentional) comedy gold
I highly recommend this video.