Collecting Funko Pop figures for fun and enjoyment

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Yesterday I purchased a limited edition Funko Pop figure from the Funko Shop. It’s based on the Monkey Assassin design from Paper + Plastick Records, a designer of toys and vinyl records out of Gainesville, Florida.

I’ve collected Funko Pop figures off and on for a few years now. I’ve decided to be more proactive in collecting them.  I like how you can pick them up at Target for less than nine bucks. In a world were regular action figures cost $20 and up, I appreciate the price point of a regular Funko Pop figure.

Unlike a lot of people who collect things, I’ve never been a completist. I buy only what I like. That said, I did pre-order the Funko Pop set of The Office from Shumi Toys and Gifts. The Office is my favorite TV show of all time and I like each and every figure in the set. I only hope they add more characters in a follow-up release.

Collecting Funko Pop figures for fun and enjoyment - Bent Corner
The Office Funko Pop figures.

Pre-ordering the set from Shumi saved me money. I’m getting all nine figures, including the “Chase” Jim (a version of the regular figure that is made in fewer quantities) and the Toby and Michael two-pack (the two figures shown at the bottom of the above image) for less than a hundred bucks. Every single figure also comes in a Shumi protector case.

Collecting Funko Pop figures for fun and enjoyment - Bent Corner
Greg Cook

I found out about Shumi from watching Greg Cook’s YouTube channel. He’s a good guy exuding positive energy who makes very watchable videos about action figures. You should give his channel a try. Especially if you’re interested in Funko Pop figures, photography, or videos produced by people who aren’t toxic jerks.

Rick Rottman

My name is Rick Rottman, and this is my personal website. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I've lived most of my adult life in Maryland. I'm an U.S. Air Force veteran. I collect a plethora of frivolous things. I'm a WordPress enthusiast.

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