How to display tags after a post with the Astra WordPress Theme

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I began using the Astra theme a while back. I was using the Genesis Framework from Studiopress. I got tired of how stale and out-of-date most of the Genesis child themes are. Astra is not stale or out-of-date.

One of the few things I do not like about Astra is how it only shows post meta at the top of the post. By default, the post’s date, the author of the post, and all the various tags assigned to the post are shown at the top of the post. Nothing appears at the bottom of the post.

I’m not too fond of that. I believe tags should appear at the bottom of a post, not at the top.

How to display tags after a post

The good news is that Astra fully supports hooks. They even offer a nifty plugin, Astra Theme Visual Hooks, that shows the various areas on your website where hooks can refer too. I used this plugin to create a function that I added to my Astra child theme’s functions.php file. Always use a child theme.

This is what I added to functions.php:

The more I tinker with Astra, the more I like it.

Rick Rottman

My name is Rick Rottman, and this is my personal website. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I've lived most of my adult life in Maryland.

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