I was greeted with the above message this morning after logging into Netflix. Rates are going up again. I don’t remember when they went up the last time, but I feel it was recent.
According to the message, beginning December 7, 2020, I will be paying $13.99 a month for Netflix. You know what? I’m perfectly fine with that. I don’t even know what I currently pay for Netflix. Whatever it is, I know it’s not enough. The value I get from my Netflix subscription far exceeds $13.99 a month.

I’m currently rewatching all four seasons of Halt and Catch Fire. I’m usually doing something else while I watch. When something pivotal is about to happen, I usually stop what I’m doing and pay my full attention to the episode. I’ve always watched TV and movies the way most people listen to music. I have it playing in the background while doing other things.
I’m watching more than Halt and Catch Fire. We just finished watching The Queen’s Gambit. It’s some of the finest television I’ve ever been lucky enough to watch. It was seriously scary good. That’s not something I ever imagined myself saying about a limited TV drama about a girl who plays chess.
As a television nerd, I’m thankful to live in the same era as Netflix. I will pay the price increase and be happy about it. If only I got as much value for the money I spend on the other things in my life.
Don’t tell Netflix, but I would be happy to pay more every month. Even at $13.99 a month, I sort of feel like I’m ripping them off.