Jeremy Griggs from Geeks + Gamers doesn’t understand words

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Jeremy Griggs from Geeks + Gamers doesn't understand words - Bent Corner
Jeremy Griggs

Geeks + Gamers is a website and YouTube channel dedicated to all the great things “Geek Culture” has to offer. Jeremy, the site’s founder, and YouTube host came across my radar from watching Ethan Van Sciver’s YouTube channel ComicArtistPro Secrets.

Evidently, there’s been some type of war between Star Wars-themed YouTube channels. Luckily for me, I’ve been able to avoid the drama because the war seems to be between two entities I do not follow, Making Star Wars, a website and YouTube channel and Rebel Force Radio, a website and podcast.

Reportedly the editor-in-chief of Making Star Wars, Jason Ward, contacted Rebel Force Radio’s sponsors and persuaded them to stop advertising with Rebel Force Radio because of something they said.

Jeremy Griggs from Geeks + Gamers doesn't understand words - Bent Corner
Making Star Wars’ editor-and chief Jason Ward and his wife Amanda Ward, the site’s administrator. (Photo: Twitter)

Jeremy and Geeks + Gamers have also been getting some heat from Jason Ward. This prompted Jeremy to create a response video while driving somewhere.

I watched the video. Here are my thoughts:

Not only did Jeremy not know who Chloe Dykstra was, but he also didn’t seem at all familiar with her last name (timestamp 2:44):

Somewhere in the livestream, I talked about the Chloe… what’s her name… Chloe Dykstra.

How can one be a Star Wars fan and not know the name, Dykstra?

John Dykstra, Chloe’s father, was responsible for inventing the spaceship special effects in Star Wars. He not only filmed the special effects using models, but he also invented the cameras used to capture the images. The man earned an Oscar for his work on Star Wars. George Lucas never did.

John Dykstra is Star Wars royalty

Jeremy Griggs from Geeks + Gamers doesn't understand words - Bent Corner

Star Wars legend John Dykstra.

As a kid growing up, I loved building plastic models and science fiction. John Dykstra was a hero of mine. I read everything in Starlog magazine about him and how he made Star Wars look the way it did.I thought it was odd watching the video that someone could be wearing a Star Wars hat while gripping a Stormtrooper steering wheel cover and not know the Dykstra name.

Jeremy admits to objectifying women (timestamp 4:15):

He (Jason Ward) also said that I admit to objectifying women which is 100 percent true. I do. And I said that. And I’ll stand by that because I’m a man. I’m a man with a certain body part that makes me objectify women and any man who says he doesn’t, I’m trying to be as clear about this, any man who says he does not objectify women in private or says he does not watch adult videos online is a liar.

So I’d like for you to ask Jason Ward, “Hey have you ever watched adult films online Jason?” Because any man who says he doesn’t objectify women when he’s hanging out with his boys when he’s hanging out at the bar when he’s chilling watching football or whatever, he’s a liar.

There’s a lot to unpack in the above quote. In Jeremy’s defense, I don’t think he understands what the word objectify means. He seems to have confused the word objectify with the word attraction. You can be attracted to women without objectifying them.

Objectifying women is bad

Objectifying a woman means you don’t view them as a person but as an object. In this case, a sexual object exists for the sole purpose of deriving sexual pleasure.

Objectifying women is bad. Being attracted to women is not bad unless you use that attraction to fuel something weird, annoying, or creepy.

Speaking of weird and creepy, Jeremy wants his viewers to ask Jason Ward, a person they don’t know if he’s ever watched “adult films” online. How ridiculous is that? I can’t imagine asking anyone that question, let alone someone I don’t know.

For the record, I’ve never watched an “adult film” online. Mostly that’s because I’m not a 14-year-old boy. I’m a happily married 53-year-old man. I wouldn’t even know how to go about watching “adult films” on the Internet. That’s not at all what I use the Internet for.

It seems Jeremy is assuming everyone is like him and his “boys.” Big mistake. To assume everyone is just like you or the people you chose to associate with is a good way to be wrong most of the time.

Everyone is different. Some people are more different than others.

What I find weird about this whole situation between Geeks + Gamers and Making Star Wars is that everyone involved professes to love Star Wars. It just goes to show that you can have something major in common, but instead of focusing on your similarities, you concentrate on the things that make you different. I guess that’s just human nature.

Rick Rottman

My name is Rick Rottman, and this is my personal website. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I've lived most of my adult life in Maryland. I'm an U.S. Air Force veteran. I collect a plethora of frivolous things. I'm a WordPress enthusiast.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Bonks Nonks

    I think you’ve mixed up the name Jeremy with Jason a couple times there. In any case, Jeremy is a blight on the fandom, he adds nothing of value to the conversation due to his half witted and faux offended approach.

    1. Rick Rottman

      I think you’ve mixed up the name Jeremy with Jason a couple times there.

      Yes, you’re right. Thanks for pointing that out. I’ve corrected it.

  2. Too many letters in my nam

    I’m sure most ppl who read this article consider themselves “Star Wars Fans” but don’t know the name Dykstra. I sure as hell didn’t.

      1. Rick Rottman

        Do you really consider yourself a big Star Wars fan? Really?

        If you’ve never heard of John Dykstra before, I question how big of a Star Wars fan you are.

  3. Ty Rothermal

    As a former Geeks + Gamers “employee” I can attest to Jeremy’s misunderstanding of words. Absolutely he doesn’t understand what objectifying is that’s very clear in how he talks about it. Another word he has absolutely zero understanding of is objective.

    This was a great read!

    1. King K Rool

      It’s funny that since you left G+G it seems like all you’ve done is talk about G+G weather it be through Twitter or just googling G+G(as I just did) and see that you are still in December of 2018 talking about Jeremy and G+G. As I remember it, Jeremy gave you a platform to write your opinions and voice them through podcasts as well. You were very pro TLJ and he didn’t stop or silence you from doing so. Yet here you are all this time later still talking about him and G+G. Honestly it’s sad.


        Jeremy makes mistakes but yeah by all accounts he gives his employees a platform to voice their own opinions. Slagging him off doesn’t make a former employee look good.

        1. Rick Rottman

          Why? Does a former employee have an obligation to not talk about their employment if the experience was negative?

  4. Silver Threepio

    Jeremy is a baddie with a platform. Sadly he’s inched his way onto a few other YouTube platforms, and for that reason I’ve had to stop watching those people also. Much of what I’ve seen him get involved in he ruins. He loves the microphone and the opportunity to flap his pie hole but, it is his fault that he’s been monetized? Enough people like to watch him that he’s making a few bucks and at least he’s not out the work force sharing a lunch room or office with grown ups. His channel and flapping will be short lived in the grand scheme of it all. Prob better to just feel sorry for him and leave him alone.

  5. Just a Guy

    I honestly can’t watch his content anymore. His videos are cookie cutter and lazy as he spams 4 videos a day with him just in his car of ranting about an article. He’s made over 100 videos making his same “points” on why brie Larson is a bad person and apparently he doesn’t care about episode 9 but has made over a dozen videos about it. He treats his channel like a business and YouTube channels that are run like a business never have the best reputation (watchmojo, channel awesome and BuzzFeed). The Star Wars community deserves more creativity and effort from youtubers.

  6. Edward Rives

    This guy Jeremy seems a bit bitter and twisted. He clearly thinks he’s all things Star Wars but I reckon he’s too young to have been alive during the original trilogy, therefore should back down a bit, he hasn’t lived it. He’s got the gall to hammer Lucasfilm. The guy has little to no respect.

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