Comics World, the area’s premier seller of comic books and comic book related merchandise has been located for the last twenty years in the Chambersburg Mall in Scotland, Pennsylvania. That ends today when it reopens in its new location, 1670 Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
The Chambersburg Mall should now close

It’s exciting news for me personally because it’s now a closer drive. It’s now 25.9 miles away compared to 29 miles when it was located in the Chambersburg Mall. Plus, the Chambersburg Mall is a sad depressing place. Now that Comics World is no longer there, I never have to set foot in it again. The Chambersburg Mall should now do the world a favor and close. It’s on its last legs. It’s lying in a hospital bed with tubes in every orifice, hooked up to machines. Its friends and family stopped coming to visit it a long time ago. Now that Comics World is no longer there, it’s time someone took it behind the barn and sent it home to Jesus.
With comic book stores closing everywhere, it’s good to see Comics World can avoid that fate and relocate to a better location. I plan on stopping by today and buying something. If you live in the West Virginia/Maryland/Pennsylvania Interstate 81 corridor and you enjoy comic book shops that don’t smell of stale cigarette smoke and personal failure, you ought to make plans to visit Comics World too.