I’m tired of Summer and the its oppressive heat

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I’m tired of Summer. I hate Summer and I wish it would just go away. Summer weather is bad enough in July and August, it’s ridiculously unbearable in October.

From AccuWeather:

Temperatures will be on a dramatic roller coaster ride across the northeastern United States through early week as record-challenging warmth battles cooler autumn air.

An upward then downward swing in high temperatures of 15-20 degrees Fahrenheit will mean residents should not put their fall jackets or long-sleeved shirts too far into their closets.

Warmth surging back into the Northeast will send temperatures soaring from Friday’s highs that were mostly in the 60s to highs in the 70s and lower 80s on Sunday.

A moderate rise in humidity will accompany the warmth, further making the day feel like the calendar has flipped back to summer.

Washington, D.C., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; New York City and Binghamton, New York; and Burlington, Vermont, are among the communities that will see record highs challenged on Sunday.

In fact, early-morning low temperatures on Sunday were within a few degrees of the day’s typical highs.

I’ve paid my 2017 Summer dues. Summer is over and it’s now Fall. I have no time in my life for Summer’s oppressive heat in the middle of October. I live in Maryland. The middle of October is for watching the leaves change and drinking apple cider. It’s not for combating heat stroke and drinking Gatorade.

Summer sucks and I hate it.

Rick Rottman

My name is Rick Rottman, and this is my personal website. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I've lived most of my adult life in Maryland. I'm an U.S. Air Force veteran. I collect a plethora of frivolous things. I'm a WordPress enthusiast.

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