I purchased a new DeWalt 8-1/4-inch compact table saw, model number DWE7485, yesterday on Amazon.
I’ve had my eyes on it for some time now. They normally retail for $399. I have the table saw on my Amazon wish list so that I can monitor any price changes. I checked it yesterday, and the price dropped to $329. After talking it over with my wife, I bought it.
If she ever asks you, the DeWalt 8-1/4-inch job site table saw will most definitely help me install crown molding in the living room.
My current table saw, a 10-inch Kobalt I bought from someone on Facebook, is a piece of junk. Kobalt is the store brand at Lowes. The person I purchased it from bought it at Lowe’s as an “open-box” product. It means someone bought it and then returned it, and some of the parts were missing. He told me he replaced most of the missing parts with replacements from the Kobalt website. The riving knife and a knob on the miter attachment were still missing. I got it for a low price.
At the time, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on woodworking tools. I wanted to make a tabletop and some floating shelves and I didn’t know if woodworking was something I wanted to get into.
I enjoy working in the medium of wood
I’ve since discovered that I like woodworking. It’s something I enjoy. I enjoy watching woodworking videos on YouTube. What can I say? I’m old.
I’ve had my eye on the DeWalt 8-1/4-inch compact table saw for a while now. One of the things that attracted me was its small size. I don’t have a lot of room in my single-car garage for large tools. The Kobolt, with its large base, takes up too much space in my tiny garage workshop.
The ultimate deal breaker on the Kobalt table saw is how the fence is attached to the base. It isn’t easy to get it parallel to the blade. If you’re not careful, ripping wood can result in the workpiece being less than square and straight. It’s a real pain to make sure the fence is perfectly parallel to the blade.
I wasted far too much wood before I realized what was going on.
DeWalt is a much better brand than Kobalt
The DeWalt fence doesn’t have this problem. The fence features a rack & pinion system that mounts it to the base. It’s easy to go from one measurement to another without the fence is out of alignment.
The DeWalt 8-1/4-inch compact table saw will arrive Wednesday. On Thursday, I will take the Kobalt table saw to the Washington County landfill. I’d give it away to someone I don’t like, but this table saw, and I have a history. It was the saw that prompted me to go to the emergency room and get 18 stitches.
Does it think I forgot about that? I forget nothing.