Here you’ll find all the posts I’ve written that pertain to gig work.

Dave the Uber Slave gets a 1-star rating, hilarity does not ensue

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YouTuber Dave Zambie, host of Dave the Uber Slave had a bad experience with a passenger. At least he thinks he did. He thinks she gave him a 1-star rating.

The good news is that he took the 1-star rating like a professional, learned from it, and then quickly moved on. Just kidding! He didn’t do any of that. Instead, he called Uber support six times demanding they purge the 1-star rating from his account. Because of this 1-star rating, his driver rating plummeted from 4.97 to 4.96.

I know all this because he made a video about it.


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Canceling an Uber trip because the rider does not have a child safety seat

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Uber sent me a ride request yesterday afternoon. When I arrived at the passenger’s location, a woman walked out of the house carrying a baby in a basket-style baby carrier. It did not look like an approved child safety seat. I didn’t see how it could be strapped into with a seatbelt. I didn’t see her child strapped into the carrier.


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