What happens when an Uber passenger damages your vehicle
On February 19 I began learning what happens when an Uber passenger damages your vehicle. It's not what I expected, nor does it make any sense. I was driving for…
Here you’ll find all the posts I’ve written that pertain to gig work.
On February 19 I began learning what happens when an Uber passenger damages your vehicle. It's not what I expected, nor does it make any sense. I was driving for…
The Rideshare Guy is a popular website and YouTube channel catering to people who drive for Uber and Lyft. It was founded and run by a man named Harry Campbell.…
California lawmakers passed AB5. It's a law that will severely impact gig workers in the state working as independent contractors.
I probably will not drive until the month of September. It's just too hot to drive strangers around in my personal vehicle.
YouTuber Dave Zambie, host of Dave the Uber Slave had a bad experience with a passenger. At least he thinks he did. He thinks she gave him a 1-star rating.
The good news is that he took the 1-star rating like a professional, learned from it, and then quickly moved on. Just kidding! He didn’t do any of that. Instead, he called Uber support six times demanding they purge the 1-star rating from his account. Because of this 1-star rating, his driver rating plummeted from 4.97 to 4.96.
I know all this because he made a video about it.
Uber sent me a ride request yesterday afternoon. When I arrived at the passenger’s location, a woman walked out of the house carrying a baby in a basket-style baby carrier. It did not look like an approved child safety seat. I didn’t see how it could be strapped into with a seatbelt. I didn’t see her child strapped into the carrier.