Boogie2988 was going to treat himself to a $100K Tesla X until he changed his mind. Why did he do that? The answer depends on what day it is.
Boogie thought he could afford the Tesla X because he assumed his fans would pay for it with handouts on Twitch. When people began calling him out on begging for money so he could ride around in a $100k car, he began to back peddle. Then, he claimed he wasn’t going to buy the car because he wanted to take the money he was going to pay Tesla and instead give it away.
The real reason Boogie2988 did not buy the Tesla X

The real reason he backed out of the Tesla deal is the same exact reason most people don’t buy a Tesla X. He couldn’t afford it. I think he knew that fact before he put down a deposit. I think he assumed he would be able to get his fans to pay for it. When that plan blew up, he didn’t have a choice.
He still had a choice. Instead of buying Tesla’s most expensive vehicle, he could have bought a Tesla Model 3. Those “only” cost $35k. He could have also just acted like a normal human being and bought a car he could afford. For example, a Toyota Prius if he still cared about the environment. He elected not to do that. I think it’s because he’s just not a car guy. I think he cares more about video games, Magic The Gathering cards, and cam girls than he cares about cars. It’s why he’s never purchased a new car. It’s why his current car is a second-hand 2005 Buick LeSabre.
In Conclusion
Let this whole Tesla affair be a lesson to everyone. When Boogie2988 says he is going to do something, it’s usually not true. He’s not a man of his word. Boogie told Tesla he was going to purchase one of their top-of-the-line vehicles. He even put down a cash deposit. He told his viewers he “legit” bought a Tesla. Boogie lied to Tesla and he lied to his fans. Lying to people is what he does. It’s the one thing he excels at.