Steven Williams, the man who plays Boogie2988 on YouTube released yet another video where he complains and whines about all of his assorted problems, real or otherwise.
I’m still subscribed to his channel, but I stopped watching Boogie2988’s videos. They irritate me too much. This video caught my eye because of the title: Let’s talk about how I’m really doing (100% honest). He all but admits that he lies about almost everything. Why else would he feel the need to add the “100% honest” qualifier?
This is the video in question. I’m sure Steven would appreciate it if you watched it since the number of views for his videos has gotten so low, he’s been resorting to begging for views on Twitter.
From the 59 second mark:
Secondly, there’s a group of people who follow me who are always afraid that I’m playing the victim when I talk about the negative stuff. They’re always afraid I’m trying to invoke empathy and sympathy and certainly, I like all the empathy and sympathy I can get. I’m a human being and we all do want that stuff.
Wrong. Not all human beings want empathy and sympathy, especially from complete strangers. It’s not normal.
Listening to Steven go on and on about all of his assorted health problems, real or otherwise, has made me stop blogging about my own health issues. The last thing I want to do is make it look like I’m mining for empathy or sympathy from strangers. I almost died and I thought it was interesting. That’s why I was blogging about it. I stopped blogging about it, not because Jesus healed me, but because I don’t want to come off looking like an emotional vampire like Boogie2988 (government name Steven Williams).

Anyone who knows and/or loves me knows what I’m going through and what I’m about to go through, so there’s no reason to share it here. Unlike Boogie2988, I don’t want empathy and sympathy. Blogging about my health problems was never an attempt to garner sympathy.
People like Boogie2988 disgust me. Not neck bearded fat people, people who want the pity of strangers. I’d rather die than be one of those types of people.
He basically admits to being a pedophile. He says in the video that he CHOOSE not to have children yet fact is he was unable to physically due to his size ( still looking for the video of him saying that. I think we have a pedo here but I need to find the other video in full context and we will see him contradict himself.
The full video is from a Twitch stream where he reacted to Gina Annunziato’s excellent video on him:
Gina’s video:
Boogie’s Twitch video: