I joined the Hot Wheels Collectors Red Line Club a couple of days ago. Being a member allows me to purchase special Hot Wheels vehicles made available only to club members. I’m glad I joined. The first release is something special. It’s the “Candy Striper” Volkswagen Drag Bus. It’s available for purchase on Tuesday, March 16 at noon eastern.
Mattel is only making 20,000 of them. They will be available until they are sold out. If history is any indicator, these will sell out the first day. They will cost $24.99 plus shipping.
Speaking of history, if you didn’t join the Red Line Club but want one of these, they will be available on eBay on the same day they are available from Mattel.
I love the Volkswagen Drag Bus casting. I also like the pink paint scheme and the “Candy Striper” font selection. If I have any criticism for this vehicle, it seems to be encouraging type 2 diabetes.
That’s unfortunate.